European Youth Press Calls

Call for Member Organisations of European Youth Press

Deadline: 13 October 2023, 23:59 CET

European Youth Press (EYP), an umbrella organisation of young journalists and media makers, is looking for further expansion of its network of Member Organisations.

EYP supports its Member Organisations by

– organising seminars and conferences for young journalists and media makers
– exchanging information through new media
– producing service and working documents for Member Organisations
– cooperation between Member Organisations and various partners (e.g. European institutions)
– representing Member Organisations’ interests towards the public and governmental organisations (EYP itself is a Member Organisation of the European Youth Forum)
– supporting the work of Member Organisations by means of information and concrete projects.

Criteria for Full Member Organisations:

– national associations of young media makers in Europe whose objectives include providing media education for young people, supporting young media makers and working towards better press freedom in line with human rights. In addition, the organisation must have been officially registered for at least one year and act in a non-partisan manner.
– Transnational or European media organisations whose objectives include providing media education for young people, supporting young media makers, and working towards better press freedom in line with human rights. In addition, the organisation must have been officially registered for at least one year and act in a non-partisan manner.

The General Assembly decides on the admission of full Members on the basis of uniform criteria after the organisation has had observer status for one year.
For admission as a Full Member, the votes of at least 2/3 of the full Members
present are required.

If your organisation does not meet the criteria for a full membership, it can still become an Observing Member. Observers must be invited to the General Assembly and have the right to speak and propose motions, but do not have the right to vote.

Criteria for Observing Members:
– Any officially registered youth media organisation that potentially fulfils the condition for full membership within one year. After one year, the General Assembly shall decide on the basis of uniform criteria whether to admit the Observer Member as a Full Member, to extend the observer status for the member or to reject the application.
– Youth media organisations that do not meet the criteria for full membership can also apply as an Observer Member and remain observers for an indefinite period.

Apply here to become a new Member Organisation of the European Youth Press:


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