About Orange Magazine



Orange magazine is an event-based online platform that has been aimed at young journalists from all across the Europe to not only access journalistic education but also put their skills into practice. Our magazine tries at the same time to keep the diversity by inviting the collaboration of international journalists outside of Europe. They are given the room to explore media and current affairs through covering the events. Young European journalists are immersed in a subject by attending a conference or event and producing content that is straightforward and cuts to the heart of the pressing issues of the day.

Our focus has evolved from providing a learning environment to ensuring the highest quality possible while still allowing young journalists the space to practice and develop their professional skills within an enabling and inspiring environment. The production process of an Orange edition enables young journalists to meet the professionals and experts in the field whom they can learn from and understand better the challenges that lie ahead of them in covering issues in a globalised world. At the same time, this collaboration gives the festivals access to a vibrant network of young media makers and multinational coverage in across Europe.

Orange magazine can appear in a printed form, distributed among the participants of the event that is covered, and/or online on the website. orange.youthpress.org is the official multimedia platform of the European Youth Press. It provides an interactive multimedia platform for media coverage of international conferences.

The European Youth Press

The European Youth Press (EYP) aims to enable young people to give voice to their opinion on a European level and provide a critical view of media and politics through journalistic education as well as learning by doing.

European Youth Press Logo

The European Youth Press (EYP) is an umbrella organisation for young journalists in Europe. It involves more than 60,000 journalists who are less than 30 years of age. The association is comprised of 27 member organisations and several Commitees.

The European Youth Press strives to offer young European journalists professional experience at international level, an experience that will allow them to hone their skills and help them make a positive contribution to the current and future media output. We believe having young journalists from across Europe cover the International festivals and conferences is an invaluable experience for young media makers.

Short History

Orange Magazine was founded in 2004 by EYP, and has been available in print and online. In 2012 the website re-launched (previous address: www.orangemagazine.eu) to include more articles, video, audio and images from the past, present and future editions. Orange is aimed at an international audience of English readers to fill the void about young Europeans working together to produce information that can be shared with other young people.

Since its inception, over 70 different Orange editions have been published. Orange is the official media partner of European Youth Media Days, has covered events such as the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum (since 2011), the M100 Youth Media Workshop in Potsdam, Assises Internationales du Journalisme & de l’Information in Strasbourg, the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna and the NATO Afghan Students Forum in Berlin, to name just a few. All online Orange editions and PDFs of the print issues can be accessed on our Issuu page.

Today, during the economic woes affecting the continent, young European journalists can have a voice and share ideas with the rest of the world. We feel all of the contributors deserve your continued support.



Our magazine introduces a wide range of topics from global media policy, immigration, human rights, social justice, and economic and environmental issues. Orange is now published mainly online using various tools of multimedia journalism. Printed editions are still available upon request. Orange magazine aims to provide a creative space for collaboration between young journalists on the issues that matter today. We would encourage you to get to know the contributors by viewing the writer profiles and becoming an advocate for the unique insights published through the magazine.