#21 European Youth Media Convention 2009

How much you can earn in Europe as a journalist?

Different countries, different tasks, different salaries! Check out how much are earning your friends journalists in other corners of Europe.

We are all starting our job in media. Source of 35 young journalists from Europe let us collect this small statistics:

POLAND, in big daily newspaper: 1000 euros /month
ROMANIA, in daily newspaper, as beginner: 30 euros / 3000-4000 characters article
DENMARK, in newspaper: 200 euros / one page article
FRANCE, in professional magazine: 150-250 euros / one page article
BELGIUM, in magazine: 125 euros / one page article
MOLDOVA, in newspaper: 20 euros / one page article
GERMANY, in prestigues business newspaper: 200 euros / one page article
NETHERLANDS: 250 euros / two pages article

Posted in | 05.03.2009

By: Anna Sulewska


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