#12 European Citizens' Forum

Visions of Europe 2050

What will the Europe of tomorrow be like? This is one of the main questions of the European Citizens’ Forum in Wroclaw. Experts from organisations and institutions and as well as young volunteers discuss a wide range of topics concerning the social future of the Europe. Subjects like Youth employment, the situation of ageing workers, new skills for future jobs or a European social system are being discussed in different working groups. All the participants agree in one point: Europe needs more social solidarity to really form a union. A European market does not create a European identity.

Orange asked participants and organizers of the European Citizens’ Forum for their personal vision of Europe in 2050:

Jillian van Turnhout
, Vice-President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC):
“I don’t know. In 2050 we will look back on 100 years of the European Union. I hope it will be a Europe of Solidarity. A Europe with a colourful mixture of cultures, languages and ways. A Europe of respect. A Europe that people really feel belonging to. Europe should be the best place in the world to be a citizen.”

Julita Lukaszuk
, Centrum Praw Kobiet:
„I hope the society will be different in 2050. It should not be that homogenous anymore. Different perspectives from the different countries will melt to a new open society.”

Krzysztof Pater, EESC, Member Group III:
“Europe will be significantly more integrated. The society will be much more mobile and the people will speak more languages. The flow between the countries will lead to an equalisation in life standard. To have a social equalisation, I think it will need another 50 years.”

Dawid Brysiak, Leader of the Volunteers at the European Citizen’s Forum:
“Hopefully it will be better. Although many good things have happened already, I think young ideas are missing. It would be good to have a Europe which listens to the voice of the youth.”

Marcin Arciszewski, Student at Wroclaw University:
“I hope Europe is growing stronger. The USA needs to have a counter part in the world. But it is a long way to go. Only real solidarity can cause a strong Europe that can stand up against the USA.”

Brenda King, President of the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship of the EESC:
“I am hoping that Europe will be economically and socially prosperous and competitive. I hope we continue to grow together and to enlarge the EU to a bigger scale. In 2050, I hope we have overcome the national borders and really live in a European society.”

By Anna-Lena Alfter


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