#13 Closing conference of the European Young Journalist Award

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Tips and tricks for young journalists.

it is their obligation to talk

Young journalists are the opinion-makers of the future, so it is their obligation to talk to the people to understand what the EU means to them, and inform them in return about the pro­cesses that influence their lives.
Tim Gopsill (UK) The Journalist

make them think

Interviewing an unre­achable person beco­mes possible when you have a precise question about their inner passion. Make them think, force them to be creative and they will return the favour by showing you their soul.
Eve Couturier (FR) France Inter

write interesting stories

Put theory into practice during your studies. Write and work as much as you can. Do not for­get the basic rule: write interesting stories. It is not the famous face in the article that will keep your readers engaged. It is the story.
Nazim Rashidi (FYROM)  BBC

Kilian Kirchgessner

learn a foreign language

A specialisation is what will make you an asset to the media whether you focus on nuclear science or renewable energies. Learn a foreign language, move and start working as a correspondent.
Kilian Kirchgessner (GER) weltreporter.net

sharing points-of-view

Use your international colleagues as a way to gather information. They will not see you as competition, they are not biased by the national agenda and as a result you can both gain from sharing points of view from your countries.
John Froelich (DK) Danish School of Journalism

fight for the main values

Devour everything you can read: newspapers and books on history, social sciences and politics. Be passionate about one topic without being a militant. Always keep in mind you have the voice and the knowledge to fight for the main values that are impor­tant in society.
Ionita Ion M (ROM) Adevarul

By: Lien De Leenheer


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