Hamburg Model United Nations 2013

Countries could offer new home and even land for climate refugees

United Nations Security Council Simulation

by Merle Must


The delegates from the Hamburg Model United Nations Security Council worked on the resolution about climate refugees. This is important current issue, because so far there isn’t a common definition for the term “climate refugees”. Neither is there a legal framework to tackle the issue, although more and more people are forced to flee their homes due to climate change.

The topic is very important for many countries. One of them is Pakistan. The delegate from this country said that within last ten years, many people have had to leave because of the damage done by monsoons.

At first, the delegates developed a definition of climate refugee and distinction between them and environmental migrants. The climate refugees are people whose countries face imminent and unavoidable destruction and who are in a situation of immediate danger due to consequences of climate change.

The difference between them and environmental migrants is that they go abroad for a shorter time, but latter move to a different country permanently.

China brought out that it is important that the countries finally found the definition of climate refugees, which is new, because previously it was subject to discussion, but has never been clearly defined. Furthermore, they also agreed to create a body that deals with climate refugees and encourages member states to support the temporal refugee’s conception and to provide them a shelter.

Then the delegates came up with the first draft of the resolution, which consisted of short- and long-term measures that would conquer the issue.

The delegate of USA presented the long-term key measures to deal with people who are affected through immediate natural disaster or consequences of climate change.

The countries agreed that the number of people affected by climate change should be eventually decreased, which is why it is important to concentrate on environmental issues. Nations also suggested that every country should voluntarily agree to define the terms of climate refugee and environmental migrants and be willing to accept them.

The delegates offered to make a special UN fund for climate refugees: joining in and paying would be voluntary, but recommended. They also suggested that states that have extra land, could sell or transfer it to countries that suffer from the lack of it due to disasters or climate change in general. For example Australia highly supported this measure.

Delegates stressed the need to put more emphasis on green technologies. Therefore, Western countries that have needed funding could invest more on research and development of for example renewable energy.

Green solutions hold immense power and could stimulate economies, said the USA delegate. The countries also suggested that states with greater amount of refugees should have more support for research to cope with extra people and decrease the number in the future.

Guatemala presented short-term measures for helping climate refugees and creating needed policies. At first, nations need to figure out the duration that people could hold a refugee status. This could be for example six months, like suggested France, after which they should return to their home country.

Financing is the second issue that needs to be addressed. Therefore countries suggested creating the special fund that would differ from the UN fund for political refugees. Russia argued and offered to still have one fund.

Guatemala also emphasized recovering measures to help refugees, for example training qualified personnel for it.

Some countries, like China, the United States and the United Kingdom suggested designating a specialized branch of the UN peacekeeping forces to aid countries and construct relief operations.

While Russia wasn’t sure about the goal of establishing the force, the United States explained that China isn’t the only country in favor of it. The delegate explained that as the States already has it’s own force, it is necessary to act fast during natural crisis.

China said that the need for task force is a mutual idea. This is essential to act immediately without hard and slow discussions that could delay giving aid.

Australia encouraged all countries that haven’t still ratified the Kyoto protocol to do it. States should also adopt a national carbon tax that would determine the appropriate amount of carbon emissions that would be acceptable.

Republic of Korea suggested involving a clause about regulation during crisis, which is necessary to have “every country on the same page”. For instance, last catastrophe in Philippines proved that the faster and effective measures are necessary. In the end, the countries agreed to have this as one point in the resolution.

During the next days, the delegates worked on that draft resolution, agree on details and write the final version by the end of the conference.




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