MediaBarCamp 2017

Meet people different from you. And make an impact

by Anna Romandash

“What has to happen for a change to happen?” Orange asked the activists from post-Soviet countries. Although many come from restrictive societies, they still manage to impact local communities and even state agenda while using digital tools and building strong networks of different experts. There are magic beans, too.

Ivan Omelyan, Ukraine

Changes happen on the lowest level, where a young person decides to do something, or when retired people unite, or someone switches a lamp in a building to a more eco-friendly one. I believe in these changes, but for them to happen, people have to feel that from one hand, there is a signal on a macro level, and on the other hand, they need to know that their neighbors want changes as well as are involved in the process. In Ukraine, Maydan revolution was some sort of an epicenter of civil activity, a collider where different initiatives got to meet, but this has to work always and everywhere, in a small apartment and a house across the country.

Antonina Brodovich, Belarus/Russia

The coolest approach is not to be afraid to speak about what you do online. You have to use Facebook and talk about your activism. I am sorry that I have not used digital tools as much to appeal to others before. You should not be afraid to speak. Storytelling and personal stories can make a difference unlike general facts. For example, since I work in a specific bubble, I am already used to everything there, and I do not question some injustice there as much. However, when I share with other people, I feel like they react to injustice strongly, and I become more critical myself. Since I work with students and know a lot of their stories, I see that I need to share this through online tools and emphasize on the injustice.

Vladimir Goroh, Belarus

To make an impact, I used a radical method once. I am involved with a charity fund where we work with families that have children with disabilities. I ran for a seat in the city council, and I used the opportunity to deliver my message across to a large group of people. I also study to get more knowledge for making an impact. We also attempt change by running integration events and creating joins spaces where we connect the officials, community, and people with disabilities, so there, different stakeholders can share, exchange, and cooperate. The impact will happen, but it needs time and more trust toward NGOs.

Vilija Navickaite, Lithuania

I believe that a change can happen only when you are ready to hear one another and through the dialogue. It also happens when you meet someone who thinks differently from you, so can question your views and make an impact. Every time you feel uncomfortable, the learning is happening, and you develop yourself. I believe in a concept when people from different sectors meet because all the different experiences can have a potential for innovation. There should also be a secure environment because if you do not feel safe, you cannot create something.

Nascyc Herylovich, Belarus

You can make a change as long as you are progressive and innovative yourself. You should not be afraid to make changes and cause changes within others.

Bahruz Samadov, Azerbaijan

I come from a very conservative society, where the totalitarian regime is limiting many resources for activists. A lot of young people, especially those with potential and education, simply want to leave the country. In this environment, you need great willpower to make a change. We are trying to impact youth, and we are popular with young people in Baku, but it is harder work with youngsters in the regions. We use social networks and many creative tools to promote democratic values and freedom of speech, criticize patriarchy, and oppose current political situation in the country. To make this change, we gather youth, organize open debates, translate books, and use creative tools such as caricatures. I believe that creative approach works better than anything else. Although I have been jailed for a short time, and four people on my organization were sentenced under false accusations, we keep working.

Maksim Dmitriyev, Belarus

Start changing yourself. You have to leave your comfort zone, learn, and do something new. I believe in change through cooperation, so you have to work with others to make an impact. It is important for teams of activists to promote ideas together because this way, the organizations get stronger and reach more influence.

Faina Nakanechnaya, Georgia/Belarus

Before making a change, it is important to think about the consequences. The changes have to be evolutionary, and the best way is to have a change from the lowest levels. For example, in post-Soviet countries, NGOs are getting very popular. Despite the criticism they receive, they are a bridge between the people, who know little about politics, and the state, which knows all political details and can manipulate people this way. I believe that change can happen through NGOs, with small steps, and in a peaceful way through education.



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