Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2016 (Bonn)

How to raise funds via social media

By Burak Sayin

Photos by Timmy Hung-Ming Shen

Power in our Pockets: Social Media, Money and Politics In the digital age premiered during GMF 2016. A 22 minutes’ documentary by Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) raises important questions about money and power relations in current political system. The documentary shows various projects supported by IDEA to stop political corruption and create more sustainable democratic institutions all around the world.

Secretary General of International IDEA, Belgian ex-Prime Minister Yves Leterne explained the purpose of the film, “It goes back to the definition of democracy, a system of governance, when public authority is controlled by the citizens. The film focuses on this theme; it is about sources in funding campaigns and the power of social media.”


 “More candidates bring their content and ideas to the front, which is positive for the quality of the democracy,” says Leterne. When asked about the campaign Bernie Sanders, democratic candidate in the US presidential elections was leading, Leterne praised its turnout. “We have seen incredible numbers in the polls. Many people participated to the primaries,” he adds.

When commending on Sanders’ campaign, Seema Shah, an Electoral Program Officer at International IDEA, raised a question of involving new people through social media. “Sanders’ campaign made an amazing job in fundraising online,” she says, “The important question is, are the donors new? If it has included people, who have not participated before, it would be groundbreaking.”


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