European Youth Media Days 2014

Studying abroad, an added value on the labor market

by Tressia Boukhors, Journalist, France


European mobility. Student exchange. Erasmus. Studying abroad is a fabulous experience for many students but how does it really impact when entering the job market? More than 200 young people met to discuss this issue at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg.
The vote is opened while students and high school students are taking the seats of MEPs to answer the question “Does education make your skills more employable?” 226 voters: 93 yes, 86 no. Let the debate go on!

Erasmus+, a better transition from educating to job

Attila Béres, architect, was an Erasmus student in Finland and got his first job thanks to the contacts he made abroad. Erasmus program has now become Erasmus+, with wider opportunities, and address students, trainees, volunteers or youth workers. If the budget of the program raised by 40%, it is also because studying or training abroad does impact on the future professional carrier of young Europeans and increases skills, explains Vanessa Debiais Sainton, ‎Head of Sector Erasmus+ Higher Education at the European Commission.

Study or practice?

Ya-Ting Yang, Senior International Account Manager at Havas Media, was an Erasmus Mundus student in the Netherlands and Spain and reminds how studying abroad develops crucial skills such as being quickly adaptable and very flexible. “Mobility gives a real ability to get to know how to react to different cultures and not being afraid of giving ideas”.
According to a study carried out by McKinsey, employers also pay attention to skills such as mobility, responsibility, specific expertise and work experience. Therefore, Dr. Christoph Anz, Talent Manager for BMW Corporate Human Resources Department, recommends enrolling traineeships up to 6 months to make the experience the more valuable.
“What about a voluntary within a NGO?” asks Magdalena from Romania. Actually, all those experiences will allow the develop skills; the main challenge will be to highlight this experience. “A position in a supermarket or in an NGO develops ability to work in team, to be multi-tasking and responsible, independent and organized” underlines João Malheiro, Specialist in Human Resources. “It is up to each one of you to decide which experience is the more valuable and will prepare you for the market” he added.

Studies, an entrance card for the labor market but not more

Pascal, from Germany, shares his worry of being too generalists as his studies focusses on political science, law and economics and wonders if employers are more looking for generalists or specialists. “Both are the answer. It depends on the concrete the position we are hiring for but positions are opened to both specialists and generalists, we are in need of diverse personalities” responds Dr. Anz.
When asked on the age limit to finish education, he reminds that all is about having a goal and taking advantage of all experiences besides: “When you are leaving a studying program, that’s the entrance card for the labor market but not more. You have to learn during your whole life and further develop your competences”. The key question is therefore how you position yourself and how you invest to develop skills. Possibilities are definitely unlimited.



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