#21 European Youth Media Convention 2009

The Convention that changed my mind

After this Convention many of the participants have changed their minds about their own national Media System.

During the first hour at the Convention each country have exposed their own journalists barriers. The rate of freedom in press is different in each country, but after this Convention, many of the participants could have new ideas.

Jelena from Montenegro feels relieved to know that there are things that have changed in her own point of view. Right now she has a knew kind of ilusion. Till today she has thought that everything was perfect in western countries of the EU, but she have discovered there’s not really any clear difference. Many other european countries have the same problems. “I haved realised that its important to communicate with other cultures, the problems are the same, and we could learned from other countries that in these international opportunity to share experiences have already shown new ideas and solutions”.

Denmarks big revelation was that there are countries he thought they had a normaly press freedom level, but actually, they don’t. He still thinks that there’s a lot of competition, and young journalists are supossed to demonstrate day by day their abilities to fight with the massive “domestic journalism” system in internet.
Alfonso was feeling stressed because of the recent crisis that affects the unemployment rate of journalists in Spain, but after hearing his european partners he thinks maybe it’s the same in all Europe, and maybe they need to work together to start breaking the ice in the journalist market. When you like to do journalism, the barriers must not make you quit. If there are other young people, in other countries that are trying to make free press, it is a kind of impulse for the others too.

Antoine from France was already aware of the deficiencies of freedom of press in his country, but he did not knew the unesco rank of France. After hearing that France was only at the 37th place and that other really close countries in Europe were managing to reach a really high freedom of press level, he changed his mind, and is going to go back to France quite desapointed and willing to improve the situation in his country.
Epurei from Romanien wants to keep the same opinion like as the beginning, Romanien will still stay Romanien , they don’t have an objective press, and they are not looking for it.

For Daniel, from Poland, the change is that two years ago there was a turkish pizzeria called large xxl in Kreuzberg where he was able to find beer for fifty cents. Now change has come, the bar is not the same and the beer costs 1 euro fifty. But there is still cheap vodka there.

Posted in | 05.03.2009

By: Barbara Blay


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