#36 XVIII. International AIDS Conference 2010

The Orange team: International Drug Policies

Orange Reporters

Georgeta Bocşe, 28, Romania
Georgeta is a radio journalist who mainly covers social and educational issues. She has been involved in different European youth programmes and also does voluntary service for an NGO that deals with educational projects for students.

Shuk-Wah Chung, 29, Australia
Shuk-Wah is a freelance radio/print journalist currently living and working in Beijing, China. Her work has featured in the USA, Indonesia, Australia, China and has traveled and reported in parts of Europe.

Bianca Consunji, 25, Philippines
Bianca is a full-time journalist and magazine editor. She has won several awards for her published work. Bianca spends her free time reading, blogging and traveling.

Tejeswi Pratima Dodda, 26, India
Tejeswi is a former television journalist who is currently working on her masters’ dissertation on ‘Gender Mainstreaming for HIV/AIDS in India.’ She lives in San Francisco and enjoys traveling and experiencing new cultures.

Elisa Gärtner, 24, Germany
Elisa is a youth media creator in Germany. She recently discovered South Africa and the field of development cooperation and found a new passion for both: journalism and taking initiative.

Maximilian Kall, 26, Germany
Maximilian, a Berliner not by nature but by heart, has founded youth media projects both in Germany and Europe, but coordinating the Orange team in Vienna with journalists from across the globe was a new experience.

Marjolein Nieuwdorp, 29, Netherlands.
A restless “Un-Dutch-able” living in Brussels, Marjolein loves digging into an overload of information and making something out of it.

Matthias Rohrer, 23, Austria
Matthias, one of the motors of Youth Press Austria, loves to take care of a smooth organisation, and he perfectly did for the Orange team in Vienna. Right after he rushes to the next project: a youth media camp at Lake Constance.

Guilherme Correia da Silva, 23, Portugal
Guilherme loves everything about being a journalist. He studied Communication Sciences in Lisbon and could spend hours watching Gus Van Sant’s movies over and over again.

Dobriyana Tropankeva, 25, Bulgaria
“I’m actually a musician disguised as a journalist. I love playing the piano but I adore writing! Journalism was initially a hobby, then became a passion, and now is my profession.”

Orange Photographers

Ryan Fernandez, 25, Philippines
Ryan Fernandez graduated from Fordham University in New York City with a degree in Visual Arts. As a freelance photographer based in the Philippines, he regularly shoots lifestyle, travel, and culture photos. He is also co-founder of an arts initiative that educates young artists.

Tanja Zenkovich, 23, Belarus
Tanja works as a freelance press photographer and has been published in Russian Newsweek, AFP, “GEO Travel” and other national and international newspapers and magazines. She held group exhibitions in Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, USA and France.

Orange Designer

Dumitru Iovu, 23, Moldova
Dumitru is Orange’s Art Director, having designed dozens of issues of great-looking magazines across Europe. Back home in Moldova, he runs a communication agency working for national and international clients.


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