#37 M100 Youth Media Workshop 2010 in Potsdam, Germany

What’s new on Facebook

One click to Log in, and you see what your friends do, where they are, where they have been and where they will be in the near future, Independently to the sense of privacy and protecting our electronic information, we share our life on the net. But what new is, the fact, that the Internet, and especially social networks  like  Twitter, Facebook and Google, change our future and do so much more quickly than we can imagine – so what’s new with the Facebook?

For the most of us it is a daily business. The social networks follow us to everywhere we go, our friends are just around… You know that Joan is in school right now, Thomas knows, that you’re reading this article and Libyan boy knows about death in street near to his house because of same problem as he has. Then comes status: “make revolution!”

So I am asking: “what about my enemies?”, what they do, not just my friends. And it happened in countries near to you, like suicide of Tunisian student which evoked fall of governments. As you are sharing status about you would love to go to a club, young people in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Yemen, Syria or as well in Spain were sharing their. “I have studied university, but I have no work!”, “I have no money to pay for food!” or “let’s do something about changing our position, let’s stop this!” – this was statuses of people in there and this was the first step to storm happening now in northern Africa and Middle East.

All over the world we have the same questions, why is oil so expensive, why did politicans just the most for their selves, why do I don’t have a voice, how can I reach something and of course why is the system such complex? All over the World we search for answers to these questions, so also do the Arabic. It all touches you more, than you think – why oil for your Scooter is more expensive? Why you’re not going for vacations to Egypt?

And that’s the story about. So what happened? At first you should have on your mind that it is nearer than you think. And we are not talking about kilometers or miles, we are talking about your Facebook profiles, about your “tweets” and bites running between your computers and mobiles.

The reason why the people of Tunisia, Egypt and in soon future also Libya succeeded is a same as the reason why you visit parties and concerts – social networks.

From January 2011 until now in northern Africa

First came “Jasmine revolution” in Tunisia which led to that president Bin Ali escaped in mid-January to Saudi Arabia and came new democratic government which have in July signed an agreement of International Criminal Tribunal which prosecutes international criminals. But in mid-January also started another riots in Egypt. People in “Tahrir square” (used as synonym for Egyptian revolution) even at the cost of men lives overthrew president Mubarak and until now awaits for impartial proceedings with old ruling garniture. After that came the most bloody change – Libyan riots which changed in a civil war. Yesterday, today and probably tomorrow so are fighting Libyan soldiers of Muammar Gaddafi against advancing and nowadays wining rebels who has set new interim government. Although all Libyans are looking for better tomorrows, very long and thorny road awaits them.

But similar happening is going on in Yemen, where powers of president Saleh fight against new tribe powers and people are in streets of capital. Syrian president is now suppressing great demonstrations and riots in whole country by tanks. Do you still think: “to far from Germany?” So what about Spain? England? Countries who participate on the same idea of European union as Germany do. Youths in Spain have want to say same things like youths in northern Africa and that is what is it going on here, in Europe! We all should know, that the world is changing, that young people in Libya are now fighting with guns or hiding when aircrafts of NATO are attacking Libyan army. Do not forget the Germany is one of the most important member of Northern Atlantic Alliance (NATO). That is happening and how do I know? I have a Facebook and friends there… Egyptians too.

Sure we developed a strong structure in Europa the last 60 Years. So it’s a earning of the efforts our politicans that we living in the longest time schedule without war in Europe. Anyway we should learn from the riots in England and Spain what can the modern communcation, used in a wrong way, can make happen.

So it’s a big risk, if hooligan organize themselve by twitter in such a fast way that the police is alway a tick to slow. So happened this month in England and showed us in a impressible kind, how helpless the police against rioter is. When you ask at this point after the backgrounds, you will see, that one of the main reasons the pure desire for randalisem is, as a kind to use the leisure. And the unfortunate death of a citizien was used to have a reason for the vandalism.

So you see, if you have enough people who think as you think, you can change the world. And maybe on voice will not heared, but all voices can’t be longer ignored. So everybody has the possibilty to ask, to act and to try to change but not even with vandalism. So if you think something is wrong, post it, share it, write it and inform you what is right and what not. Other people will read it, will share there minds and you can make a better future happen. Just you must say: YES, I can!

By: Marek Gorges, Daniel Michel


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