#11 EU Youth Event in Ljubljana

Getting it started

Two buildings, five different rooms, five different groups. In every of them two facilitators. During the weekend they will have seven sessions. They will exchange points of views and sharing ideas for solutions. Everything started at 10.00 in Brdo Congress Centre, not far away from Ljubljana.

Congress Hall, room 1. Super Sabine and smiling Simona are leaders of the group “Integration and political participation”. Beginning was easy, just getting-to-know-each-other games. Everybody from a group has to find an suitable adjective for them starting with the same letter as their name is starting with. There is energetic Eric from Denmark, joyful Joan from Estonia and sleepy Simon from Slovenia. Then the group played with balloons, drawed each other eyes, noses and mouths. Everything just to relax and feel comfortable with their next serious discussions.

Meeting Hall. The group “Improving the mobility” is discussing: – Who are young people with fewer opportunities? Colorful papers are put on the wall. The range of answers is wide. But after Tim’s Schrock from European Youth Forum’s presentation everybody started to be focused on the visa topic. – Mobility may not end at the boarders of EU – Tim says. – Is the best option just abolishing visas?

– Soon we will split into smaller groups and discuss about it – says Asa Gunven, facilitator of the group.

Congress Hall, room 3. In the “More and better employment” group there is also still non-formal work. Participants are standing in three lines, being as three telefax machines. The first person from every line is starting to draw a smiling face on the back of another. Mojca and Jakob from Slovenia and Gerti from Albania are standing in the front and must draw a picture on the piece of paper. The task is not so easy and the pictures did not turn perfect and in some cases hardly visible.

– Beautiful noises in communication – Matej Cepin says as facilitator of the group. – You can see how input can be different than output. And please during our work here have in mind that in our group are also people with fewer opportunities, problems with hearing and seeing.

By Anna Sulewska


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