Global Journalism Network


What is the Network?

Orange offers a global network of young journalists. If you need to find a local journalist, first hand information, photographer, fixer or translator, you can get in touch with our Orange team editors and we will find the right correspondent for you.

How to join?

Join the Global Journalism Network of Orange Magazine
Deadline: March 15th

Have you been on a project with Orange magazine? If yes, this is your opportunity to join the Global Journalism Network on the Orange Magazine website.

What would you gain from it?

  • A professional profile with Orange magazine, including all your Orange stories;
  • Visibility within the EYP network and among its partners.
  • Become part of a Global Network of Journalists powered by Orange and European Youth Press by filling in this form (opens in a new tab).

The profiles of our correspondents will be available on this page soon.

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