Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2017

Snapchatting the Post-Truth? Follow the highlights of the #dw_gmf 2017

Edited by Triin Ilves, Estonia

What are the new challenges for the 21. century journalism? How can we bring relevant and quality news to the readers (or viewers?) and maintain the journalistic ethos in the 21st century?

This year’s Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum had a successful start. See the highlights here:

What if we turn the term “filter bubble” around and use filters (and thought bubbles) for reporting? What if we redefine the traditional ways of reporting and stop portraying Africa as if it’s our younger, weaker cousin. And while doing that, we keep the traditional, strong values of critical journalism? The opening of Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum #dw_gmf featured these topics and offered a strong kick-off for the 2017 conference.


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