Nantes Creative Generations Forum 2017 has brought together two energetic journalists, Teona Goderdzishvili and James Cropper. They have been covering the event, producing text and visual stories. Anna Romandash, Orange’s project manager, has also supported the team and attended the forum as a participant presenting her project, NOUA.

Teona Goderdzishvili, Journalist

Teona Goderdzishvili is a multimedia journalist with diverse international experience. She recently got her MA degree from Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. Teona has been contributing to Chai-Khana, South Caucasus media network, and IWPR in Georgia. Her main fields of interest are education, international relations, minorities, art, and environment. Teona supports Georgian filmmaker for production staff. She is an author of a short documentary movie, and is working on an environmental project on her free time.

James Cropper, Journalist/Video 

James Cropper is an Irish video journalist currently based in London, UK. Having recently graduated from the University of the Arts, he has been covering events across both Britain and mainland Europe such as the G20 Summit in Hamburg, the Catalonia independence referendum, and more. This has resulted in his work being published by news organizations such as Thomson Reuters, the Daily Telegraph, and Ruptly TV. As an outward looking young journalist, James hopes to forge a career in both foreign reporting and documentary production. His journalistic interests are mainly focused around covering stories that involve conflict, international relations, and European politics.

Anna Romandash, Journalist

Anna Romandash is a communications specialist and a freelance journalist based in Latvia. She has earned her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and her Master’s degree in Media Communications. Anna has worked as a communications and PR manager for pan-European NGOs and companies, and is involved with Orange Magazine as a project manager. She has published with a number of Ukrainian and foreign media outlets such Euronews, New Eastern Europe, and KyivPost among others.


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